How to upload bills from Xero to Wunderbuild?

How to upload bills from Xero to Wunderbuild?

1. Enable Two-way sync in Settings > Integrations > Configure. 

2. On your Job Overview Page. Under Details, click on the edit button to add your Xero tracking name. The name shall appear in Xero in the WB Job dropdown button. 

3. In Xero, make sure to allocate the bill to the correct Wunderbuild Job. Once the bill is approved it should sync to Wunderbuild within the next 1-3 minutes.

4. In Wunderbuild, go to Jobs > Importable Invoices and check if the bill has successfully synced.

5. Click on “Options” to either ignore or import the invoice. The receipts if attached will also sync with Wunderbuild but may take longer to sync as the files are bigger.

6. If the invoice is imported, you may check if the invoice is allocated to the correct job otherwise you may pick the correct job in this section. 

7. You may then allocate the invoice to the correct category and/or line item within the job and click on import.

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