Contacts User Guide

Contacts User Guide

      1. Accessing the Contact Management Tab: Navigate to the Contact Management for both clients and

      2. Creating a New Client Contact:
  1. Click the "Create New" button at the top right of the screen.
  2. Fill in the contact’'s details, click Create.

      3. Viewing and Editing Client Contact Details:

      a) View and Edit Contact:
  1. Click on a contact to view its details.
  2. Click "Edit" under the details to modify any information.

      b) Create reminders:
  1. On the bottom left section of the contact details page, you may create a reminder related to the contact by clicking on “Create Reminder”.

      c) Jobs related to the Contact will appear in the Jobs section.

      d) Adding notes to the Contact. 
  1. Create a note related to the contact by clicking “Create Note”.

      4. Creating a New Supplier Contact:
  1. Click the "Create New" button at the top right of the screen.
  2. Fill in the contact’'s details, click Create.

      5. Viewing and Editing Supplier Contact Details:

      a) View and Edit Contact:
  1. Click on a contact to view its details.
  2. Click "Edit" under the details to modify any information.

      b) Create a note:
  1. On the bottom left section of the contact details page, you may create a note related to the contact by clicking on “Create Note”.

      c) Purchase orders related to the Contact will appear in the Jobs section.

      d) Adding certifications to the Contact. 
  1. Add a certificate related to the contact by clicking “Add Certifications”.
  2. Fill in the details and click “Create”.

      6. Searching Contacts:
  1. Use the search bar at the top right side to search for a contact.

      7. Importing Contacts:
  1. Navigate to the "Import Contacts" section in the Wunderbuild menu.
  2. Import a spreadsheet containing your contacts.
  3. Align the spreadsheet columns with the corresponding fields in Wunderbuild.

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