1. Accessing the Contact Management Tab: Navigate to the Contact Management for both clients and
2. Creating a New Client Contact:
- Click the "Create New" button at the top right of the screen.
- Fill in the contact’'s details, click Create.
3. Viewing and Editing Client Contact Details:
a) View and Edit Contact:
- Click on a contact to view its details.
- Click "Edit" under the details to modify any information.
b) Create reminders:
- On the bottom left section of the contact details page, you may create a reminder related to the contact by clicking on “Create Reminder”.
c) Jobs related to the Contact will appear in the Jobs section.
d) Adding notes to the Contact.
- Create a note related to the contact by clicking “Create Note”.
4. Creating a New Supplier Contact:
- Click the "Create New" button at the top right of the screen.
- Fill in the contact’'s details, click Create.
5. Viewing and Editing Supplier Contact Details:
a) View and Edit Contact:
- Click on a contact to view its details.
- Click "Edit" under the details to modify any information.
b) Create a note:
- On the bottom left section of the contact details page, you may create a note related to the contact by clicking on “Create Note”.
c) Purchase orders related to the Contact will appear in the Jobs section.
d) Adding certifications to the Contact.
- Add a certificate related to the contact by clicking “Add Certifications”.
- Fill in the details and click “Create”.
6. Searching Contacts:
- Use the search bar at the top right side to search for a contact.
7. Importing Contacts:
- Navigate to the "Import Contacts" section in the Wunderbuild menu.
- Import a spreadsheet containing your contacts.
- Align the spreadsheet columns with the corresponding fields in Wunderbuild.