Leads Management Guide

Leads Management Guide

  1. Accessing the Lead Management Tab: Navigate to the Lead Management tab on the main menu to view the visual board of leads.
  2. Understanding the Lead Board: Each column on the board represents a different stage of a lead.

  1. Creating a New Lead:

  1. Click the "Create New" button at the top right of the screen.
  2. Fill in the lead's details, including its budget.
  3. Select the stage to assign the lead to.

  1. Creating Additional Stages:

  1. Click the "+" button to the right of the lead columns to create a new stage for your leads.

  1. Viewing and Editing Lead Details:

  1. View and Edit Leads:
    1. Click on a lead to view its details.
    2. Click "Edit" under the details to modify any information.
    3. Add labels to the lead for easier categorization and identification.
  2. Managing Lead Tasks:
    1. On the right section of the lead details page, create tasks related to the lead.
    2. Assign tasks to appropriate team members.
  3. Adding Notes to Leads: Under the tasks section, you have the option to add notes to each lead.
  4. Linking Leads to Estimations:
    1. If a lead is in the estimation stage, click the "Link to Estimation" button.
    2. Choose from a list of existing estimations to link to your lead.
  5. Creating a New Estimate: Click the "Create New Estimate" button next to the "Link to Estimation" button if an estimation does not yet exist for the lead.

6. Changing View of the Leads Page: Click the button in the top right to switch between a visual board view and a list format view of the leads.

  1. Filtering Leads:

  1. Use the filters in the top left to sort leads by assignee, label, or both.

  1. Importing Leads:

  1. Navigate to the "Import Leads" section in the Wunderbuild menu.
  2. Import a spreadsheet containing your leads.
  3. Align the spreadsheet columns with the corresponding fields in Wunderbuild.

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