Global Schedule Overview User Guide

Global Schedule Overview User Guide

1. Accessing the Schedules: Navigate to the Schedule tab on the main menu to view the aggregated GANTT chart of all your job schedules.

2. Filtering the schedules: 

a) Click the dropdown button on “All jobs” to filter the schedule by jobs. Once you select a job, only the schedule of that job will appear.
b) Click the dropdown button on “Assignee” to filter the schedule by an assignee. Once you select an assignee, only the schedule of that assignee will appear.

3. Navigational tools: 

a) Click on the button beside the “Assignee” to hide the schedule description so you may focus on the job flow.
b) Click the magnifying glass icons to either zoom in or out.

4. Understanding the schedule items and its descriptions: 

a) Each job is colour coded. You should easily notice the transition between each job by the colours before the name of job/task.
b) Drop down arrows: 
  1. Drop down arrows for the job will either hide or reveal the schedule categories.
  2. Drop down arrows for the categories either hide or reveal the schedule items.

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